Our Markets

Thanks to the overwhelming support of our very loyal patrons in the diverse mid-Atlantic Region and many other states, EastCoastHoney.com has joined with local farmers markets, small vendors, mom and pop shops, natural food markets along with others, all who truly enjoy living close to the earth and serving the needs of discriminating patrons who want simply the best for their families.
NOTE: If you know retailers or individuals who might be interested in carrying East Coast Honey, please contact us to provide their info and we will be happy to contact them given your fantastic referral.
Individuals and families make up a significant portion of our loyal patrons in that increasing numbers of families have come to realize the harmful long-term impacts of refined sugars and other “traditional” and chemically manufactured sweeteners.
FYI, we have compiled the following resources about sugar, artificial sweeteners and quizzes about sugar:
– http://authoritynutrition.com/10-disturbing-reasons-why-sugar-is-bad/
– http://www.webmd.com/diet/rm-quiz-sugars-sweeteners
– Finally see, Is Your Child Hooked On Sugar? http://www.webmd.com/children/child-nutrition-8/hooked-on-sugar-quiz
Become an EastCoastHoney.com Partner
Duties & Responsibilities
- Represent the company (EastCoastHealthyLiving.com) broadly in your local community by making our products available to your circle of friends, relatives and many others
- Provide testimonials and product samples to persons who can benefit from relief our products are proven to deliver for regular users
- Actively represent company products by sharing marketing materials (business cards, flyers and other items) with persons in your local community

Role in Your Community
- Become actively involved with church senior programs, senior centers and with other regularly scheduled activities where persons who might be interest in our products are involved
- As arranged by the company, attend local events where our products can be displayed and sold interested attendees

- Initial, pay will be $100.00 per month and the sale of at least 25 products. As sales of products increase based on your efforts, monthly pay could increase
- For each local event you attend, the company will provide an extra bonus and a percentage of products sold at the even

Delivery of Products
- An initial supply of products will be delivered to your home for your use
- On a regular basis, based on sales, the company will continue to deliver products to ensure you have enough on hand to meet your ongoing sales needs